

 Sometimes we have a lot of feelings in our heart that we want to say, don"t want to talk, but can"t say it because some things can affect many things. Whether it"s to ourselves or to you, and right now for a lot of people, they have the right to speak and are in the middle of a *** cut because we talk about things like that might not be. Of course, sometimes we also need to know how to keep our feelings in our hearts in peace so that others don"t know them, and we also have to bear things. But of course, let us always think that if what we say is a bad thing or is something that causes others to suffer or even ourselves, then we should not say such things. That comes out or if we are going to say it, we have to think about whether it is what we really want to say or not. 

ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ naMo999 :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2021-10-27 20:37:34

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